About Paws

Introduction of PAWS

PAWS is one of the most renowned organisation for rehabilitation & adoption of stray puppies and holds international record for highest Indie Puppies rescue & Adoption NGO in India working relentlessly with just one motto to give these cute little babies a forever loving family as they are the most loyal loving friends we humans can have but only if we are lucky and blessed , a dog will come in our life and change it forever with unconditional love and positivity taking away all our sorrows, depression, hypertension & anxieties. India alone has got more than 50 million homeless dogs living a miserable life suffering, starving & struggling every single day to survive. These innocents beings posses the same heart and soul as any other breed dogs and all they need is a beautiful soul to adopt and give them a forever home. This minor step of yours can help in saving & changing the lives of millions of Dogs forever.

Humanity witnessed entropy of our daily lives in the year 2020 when human beings struggled for even oxygen. This crisis affected not just humans but millions of stray animals who depend on humanity for a living. India has more than 50 million stray animals living a miserable life on leftovers and waste which became unavailable during the lockdown. Some of my key initiatives and work done


Animal Feeding Mission

When the pandemic hit the world, we humans locked ourselves to take care of our safety while we totally forgot that we have millions depending on us for their daily needs. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. I along with my team felt a grave need to feed those waiting with drooping eyes for humans every day with roti and leftovers. We started the mission of preparing food and feeding these innocent voiceless souls with the only thought that they are not aware of COVID and they are waiting for someone to throw litter or give them food. We started this campaign with 300 boxes of handmade meals a day to 1000 + meals and the number kept on increasing. We fed more than 2.5 lakhs stray animals including dogs, cats, monkeys, cows, pigs, etc. The campaign soon took the shape of a revolution and inspired thousands to make the best possible use of this time. Being inspired many Youngsters started feeding dogs around them and clicked pictures tagging me and making this feeding initiative a huge success. This campaign was completely self-funded out of my small little savings.

Stray Dog Adoption

As rightly quoted by our Founder of Nation "Mahatma Gandhi" "the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." To reduce the suffering of those who cannot speak for themselves is truly a mark of a civilized society. With the increasing count of India's street dogs' population of more than 50 million this highly ignored section of our society is completely deserted due to which the only option left for them is to survive by scavenging leftovers and exposed garbage. They help the ecosystem by reducing the perishable waste that could otherwise be a source of contamination for people but still, they are neglected to live a deprived life. At least men's best friend does not deserve such a life.

From the sanatan times India is known as an animal-loving country but today with the highest stray dog population and the lowest count of families adopting stray dogs, the only way to give life to them is getting them adopted to pet-loving families who provide them with a respectful life. I am proud to create a record of highest Indie (Stray) dog adoption in the country, and proudly give a home to more than 2,200 stray dogs and set a world record on 14th February 2021 at Jaipur with highest count of 131 Indie (Stray) dog adoption in a single camp along with assisting the adopting families with all the necessary counselling to change their mind set for breed-specific dogs.


Feeding Campaign

During lockdown when some were busy hoarding essentials and goods, making new dishes, I started preparing home cooked fresh meals with my team for stray animals with the sole objective to feed those whom we completely forgot. The feeding campaign successfully inspired the youth and created a chain network of feeders daily feeding more than 2,50,000 animals including dogs, monkeys, cows, pigs during the lockdown and even being COVID positive could not stop me from helping the voiceless. During this time, we not only covered the entire Jaipur city but the inspired youth and masses across different cities in the country started a feeding stray mission. One more major impact of our mission was that it uncovered the inner goodness of numerous people who witnessed us.

Rescue & Rehabilitate

In India every year millions of innocent puppies are born and forced to die on the road. Since they are stray and of no recognized breed they are left to die in misery, agony, hunger and deprivation with no home to live and family to adopt. To revolutionise the rejection mindset for stray dogs I passionately initiated a unique adoption campaign a rescue mission saving the life of many who could have died on the road itself. Today the rescued puppies with this remarkable movement are able to live a decent happy life being an equal child of Mother Nature as every life has a right to live. The adoption mission has led to the rescue of more than 2200 road picked stray puppies and now they are living a deserving life with dog-loving families as the most loved family member. This adoption has been done by a common layman to a prominent figure like the Governor of Rajasthan. In this modern materialistic world when we humans abandon our own kids, family, parents and loved ones, living a loveless emotionless life, proudly re-instigating the Sanatan concept for living life just not for ourselves but even for those who need us the most and spread love.

My dedicated adoption home PAWS (Protection of Animal and Welfare Society) is working for the social upliftment of strays and underprivileged animals

  • The success of the adoption mission created a first of its kind world record for the highest stray puppy adoption in a single camp along with supporting records
  • More than 2200 stray puppies rescued and rehabilitated
  • Revolutionised and started a unique chain of feeders daily feeding countless stray and single-day highest feeding of more than 2,50,000 stray animals

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