book hostel

Sub Service Name Amount
  Book Hostel
Rs. 500
1. Kindly state any existing medical conditions or history including medications, allergies, ticks or fungal (pls mention if any)
Yes     No
2. Kindly confirm if your pet is fully vaccinated (please show the vaccination certificate to the PAWS Home stay team)
Yes     No
3. Is your pet aggressive, In the past has the pet attacked or shown any aggressive behavior towards people or other dogs?
Yes     No
4. Did your pet display any symptoms of fever, cough & cold or upset stomach in last 3 days?
Yes     No
5. Recommended Diet (pls mention the food your pet eats happily on a daily basis)
6. Walk Timings
• Owner agrees the pet shall not leave the kennel until all charges are paid in favour to Paws Home Stay, in case of non-payment the Paws Home Stay is authorized to ini-tiate legal steps to recover amount due against the services rendered.
• Owner agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of Owner’s pet while it is the care of Paws Home Stay, any accident with the homestay staff or any other dog will be the responsibility of the owner.
• Owner specifically represents that the pet has not been exposed to rabies or distem-per within 30 days prior to boarding.
• Pet parent understands and agrees that if his or her pet is not picked up within seven (7) days after the scheduled pick up date, the pet shell be deemed to be abandoned and additional boarding charges shall apply, and in such event, Paws Home Stay shall gain legal custody and ownership of the pet and retain the right to keep the pet, or place the pet in a shelter or with animal control, or place the pet in a new home with a new owner, with no recourse by pet parent against company party. Pet parent fully understands and agrees that if pet parent abandons his or her pet at the com-pany facility, pet parent may be unable to retrieve possession of his or her pet and will have no recourse against any company party.
• These pet is free of fleas, ticks, worms and other insects and parasites.
• If the pet becomes ill or if the state of the pet’s health otherwise requires attention, Paws Home Stay at its sole discretion, is authorized to engage the services of a vet-erinarian or arrange for other requisite attention to the Pet up to and including an amount of INR 1000. If a veterinarian determines that emergency treatment, which exceeds the authorized amount, is needed to save the pets life or quality of life, and we cannot reach you or the emergency contact, we may authorize the veterinarian to perform the emergency treatment. Owner agrees to be responsible for all veterinary costs provided to your pet, in case of any loss of life inspite of best efforts from the veterinarian, the Paws Home Stay holds no accountability for the loss of life.
• Photos and video release - Pet parent agrees to allows Paws Home Stay to use his or her pet’s name and any images or likeness of his or her pet taken while the pet is at the homestay facility, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials.
• Severability - If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable, such provision will be deemed severed and the remaining provisions of this agree-ment will continue in full force and effect. The pet owner will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement, without execution, upon the acceptance of a reservation or payment for services to be provided hereunder or the comment of the services.
• This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of jurisdiction in the state of Rajasthan. Each party consents to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the state and the courts in the state of Rajasthan.
Pet parent has read and fully understands the terms of this agreement, including the release, waivers of liability, acceptance of risk and indemnity provisions and understands that pet parent has given up substantial rights by signing this form and has signed it freely and voluntarily. Pet parent will indemnify, defend and hold Paws Home Stay or its employees, harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damage, fines, penalties and expenses arising from or resulting from any breach of the representations (including abandonment of the pet at the Paws Home Stay facility), or otherwise related to any and all acts of behavior of their pet (s), which may include, without limitation, injury or death of another pet at the facility or injury or death to a staff member of company or any other member of the public. In no event will Paws Home Stay be held liable for special. conse-quential, exemplary or punitive damages, even if advised of their possible existence.
I hereby declare that I have read and agree to adhere all the policies of Paws Home Stay. I have willingly boarded my pet on my own responsibility. Paws Home Stay will not be responsible or accountable for any illness, accident or immediate loss of life, i.e. death of my pet, as a consideration for the services rendered by Paws Home Stay.


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