
Breed Height

26-28 inches (male)

24-26 inches (female)

Breed Weight

100-130 pounds (male)

70-100 pounds (female)

Breed Life
Life Expectancy

10-14 Years (male)

10-14 Years (female)

adaptability level
affectionate with family
barking level
coat grooming frequency
drooling level
energy level
good with young children
playfulness level
shedding level
trainability level
About the Breed

Akita is muscular, double-coated dogs of ancient Japanese lineage famous for her dignity, courage, and loyalty. In her native land, she's venerated as family protectors and symbols of good health, happiness, and long life. Akitas are burly, heavy-boned spitz-type dogs of imposing stature. Standing 24 to 28 inches at the shoulder, Akitas have a dense coat that comes in several colors, including white. The head is broad and massive, and is balanced in the rear by a full, curled-over tail. The erect ears and dark, shining eyes contribute to an expression of alertness, a hallmark of the breed. Akitas are quiet, fastidious dogs. Wary of strangers and often intolerant of other animals, Akitas will gladly share their silly, affectionate side with family and friends. They thrive on human companionship. The large, independent-thinking Akita is hardwired for protecting those they love. They must be well socialized from birth with people and other dogs.

Akitas tend to be clean and have little 'doggy odor.' They don't require extensive grooming, but their thick, luxurious double coat should be brushed at least once a week to look its best. Although Akitas shed only minimally most of the time, expect their dense undercoat to 'blow' twice a year, where it will shed so profusely that it comes out in clumps all over your house. During this time it helps to brush the dog more frequently to get rid of the dead coat. The nails should also be trimmed regularly, as overly long nails can cause pain and problems for the dog. Remember also to brush the dog's teeth often to ensure dental health.

The Akita is generally not a highly active breed but does require moderate exercise. A jog or brisk walk around the block at least once a day can meet the needs of most individuals of the breed. Akitas also enjoy playing energetically. Although they are large dogs '¿ males often weigh more than 100 pounds '¿ with sufficient daily exercise Akitas can do well in a relatively small home. They are hardy dogs bred to withstand the harsh outdoor conditions of northern Japan, but they were bred as housedogs and guardians as well as hunters, and adapt very well to life in the home.

Akitas are very intelligent and loyal but also have an independent, headstrong nature. As large and very powerful dogs, it is vital that they are trained consistently, beginning in puppyhood. They are instinctive guardians, so it's especially important that Akitas have early and extensive socialization when young. They must learn to accept a wide variety of strangers and not perceive them as a threat. Because of their independence and strong prey drive, they should never be off lead in an unsecured area. Akitas tend to be aggressive toward other dogs, particularly of the same sex, and extreme caution should be used in canine interactions.

The Akita should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian's supervision and approval. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog's age (puppy, adult, or senior).Some breed experts recommend that Akitas aged 7 years and older be fed a 'light' or less calorie-dense diet as a defense against possible onset of kidney disease. Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog's calorie consumption and weight level. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog's weight or diet. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. It's important to remember that some Akitas can be food-possessive, and should be given their food bowl or treats well away from other animals or children.

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